General Research Interests

Respiratory diseases are leading causes of death and disability in the world. Globally, four million people die prematurely from chronic respiratory diseases that includes lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, occupational lung diseases and pulmonary hypertension (PH). Exposure to harsh environments (indoor and outdoor pollutants, tobacco smoke, high-altitude dwelling and others) are the indisputable cause of most respiratory diseases. However, how these distinct environments (external, internal as well as local lung exposome) interact and modulate the parenchymal / vascular lung compartment that eventually leads to lung disease pathogenesis is not completely understood. Notably, a more holistic understanding of (epi)genome-exposome interaction and its impact on diagnosis and individualized therapy management is still in its infancy. The focus of Prof. Pullamsetti’s lab is centered on understanding how epigenetic mechanisms and transcription factors impact gene regulation so that this information can potentially be used to develop new therapeutic strategies for lung diseases especially. PH, pulmonary fibrosis and COPD.

Over the past several years, Pullamsetti lab has substantially contributed to the understanding of molecular mechanisms driving vascular and parenchymal remodeling. We identified growth factor and inflammatory networks; delineated their downstream effectors like FOXO, HIF and NFkB, thus demonstrating their importance in pulmonary hypertension (PH) onset and development. In seminal studies, smooth muscle cell FoxO1 was identified as critical integrator of multiple signaling pathways. -Hence in PH, dysregulation of FOXO1 drives the phenotypic switch of smooth muscle cells to a more proliferative type leading to subsequent lung vascular remodeling. Notably, reconstitution of FoxO1 activity reversed lung vascular remodeling, a concept carried forward to the current (pre)-clinical development of nanoparticle-based inhaled paclitaxel as a novel approach for the treatment of PH. Furthermore, employing the “integromic” approaches, i.e. studying the combination of epigenetic and transcriptional changes, helps to elucidate disease-specific transcriptional and epigenetic landscape changes thus leading to the identification potential targets for the reversal of disease phenotypes. Completing this approach, Pullamsetti lab has also mapped out abnormalities of non-coding RNAs and of histone- and non-histone mediated functions of histone modifiers linked with the pathobiology of PH thus directing the focus to the evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of histone acetylation / deacetylation inhibitors in PH.

Extending the studies of gene regulatory networks and epigenomics to understand lung diseases, Pullamsetti lab also identified and documented an important role of nitric oxide signaling in alveolar epithelial cells. This group also discovered that FoxO3 plays a central role in regulating multiple signaling pathways in parenchymal fibroblasts from experimental models of lung fibrosis and also from tissue samples of patients with IPF (idiopathic lung fibrosis) and eventually identified histone deacetylases (HDAC9) as a master regulator of lung fibrogenesis. Another discovery was an association of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) and DNA methylation correlated with inflammatory gene expression in patients with COPD.

Based on these findings, the Pullamsetti lab will focus on: